Interlagos - GP Endu

09 Jul 24 21:20 PDT
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# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:44.575
Tyre: S
02:20.614 15 laps / 3 cuts
2 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:44.911
Tyre: S
01:44.992 4 laps / 0 cuts
3 Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:44.976
Tyre: S
01:45.901 10 laps / 3 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 119.7 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.2 X: -421.5 Y: 16.5 Z: -428.2
2 Collision with environment 57.2 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.4 X: -163.1 Y: 1.9 Z: 428.0
3 Collision with environment 124.5 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.2 X: 18.2 Y: -3.4 Z: 335.6
4 Collision with environment 74.2 Km/h X: 0.4 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.5 X: -164.0 Y: -5.3 Z: -574.0
5 Collision with environment 71.3 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.2 X: -180.2 Y: 3.2 Z: 409.4
Car Env Rel
ks_interlagos ks_interlagos collisions
1st Gustavo Silva in Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:44.575, Potential: 01:44.575
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:19.532 00:55.194 00:56.659 00:27.679 0 S
2 04:49.955 03:21.004 01:00.341 00:28.610 0 S
3 02:31.977 01:08.016 00:56.069 00:27.892 0 S
4 01:45.984 00:22.189 00:55.940 00:27.855 0 S
5 02:28.653 01:04.854 00:56.168 00:27.631 0 S
6 01:47.293 00:21.995 00:57.520 00:27.778 0 S
7 01:46.413
00:22.573 00:55.935 00:27.905 1 S
8 01:46.083 00:22.058 00:56.354 00:27.671 0 S
9 03:52.424 02:00.447 01:20.954 00:31.023 1 S
10 02:49.855 01:21.385 00:59.189 00:29.281 0 S
11 02:59.888 01:35.203 00:56.745 00:27.940 1 S
12 01:45.465 00:22.287 00:55.349 00:27.829 0 S
13 01:44.575
0 S
14 02:30.495 01:06.237 00:56.380 00:27.878 0 S
15 01:46.425 00:22.198 00:56.606 00:27.621 0 S
2nd Thiago Procópio in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:44.911, Potential: 01:44.379
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:25.472 01:01.273 00:57.015 00:27.184 0 S
2 01:44.911
00:55.881 00:27.121
0 S
3 01:45.054 00:22.127 00:55.454 00:27.473 0 S
4 01:45.012 00:22.014 00:55.349
00:27.649 0 S
3rd Thiago Procópio in Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:44.976, Potential: 01:44.669
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:24.901 00:58.731 00:58.094 00:28.076 0 S
2 01:47.168 00:22.533 00:56.371 00:28.264 0 S
3 01:45.644 00:22.152 00:55.547 00:27.945 0 S
4 01:46.558 00:21.792
00:56.942 00:27.824 0 S
5 01:45.778 00:21.849 00:56.042 00:27.887 0 S
6 01:45.283 00:21.875 00:55.134
00:28.274 0 S
7 03:11.265 01:44.928 00:58.473 00:27.864 0 S
8 01:44.976
00:21.802 00:55.431 00:27.743
0 S
9 02:46.715 01:22.606 00:56.439 00:27.670 1 S
10 03:18.709 01:55.630 00:55.508 00:27.571 2 S

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