Interlagos - GP Endu

09 Jul 24 18:58 PDT
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# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Crashes
1 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:07:19.748 4 laps / 0 cuts 01:45.309
Tyre: S
01:48.457 6
2 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:07:19.808 4 laps / 0 cuts 01:44.944
Tyre: S
01:48.284 5
3 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:07:20.448 4 laps / 0 cuts 01:46.286
Tyre: S
01:47.998 8
4 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:07:20.544 4 laps / 0 cuts 01:46.254
Tyre: S
01:48.801 6
5 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:07:20.751 4 laps / 0 cuts 01:46.397
Tyre: S
01:48.569 5
6 Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:03:43.498 2 laps / 0 cuts 01:46.262
Tyre: S
01:46.262 2
7 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:01:55.555 1 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.560
Tyre: S
00:00.000 7
8 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:01:56.396 1 laps / 0 cuts 01:56.391
Tyre: S
00:00.000 3
9 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 00:07:20.565 1 laps / 0 cuts 03:20.908
Tyre: S
00:00.000 2
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with car 6.7 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.0 X: -327.4 Y: 17.0 Z: 477.5
2 Collision with car 5.8 Km/h X: 0.1 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.4 X: -222.3 Y: 4.0 Z: 440.1
3 Collision with car 1.7 Km/h X: -1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: -0.6 X: -313.6 Y: 15.5 Z: 482.7
4 Collision with car 7.4 Km/h X: 0.0 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.5 X: -220.0 Y: 3.9 Z: 440.3
5 Collision with car 8.0 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.2 X: -74.1 Y: -0.5 Z: 460.9
6 Collision with car 6.6 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.1 X: -110.2 Y: 0.3 Z: 465.3
7 Collision with car 0.7 Km/h X: -1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.0 X: -72.1 Y: -0.6 Z: 460.2
8 Collision with car 0.3 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -0.8 X: -111.4 Y: -0.0 Z: 465.4
9 Collision with car 8.4 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.9 X: 51.3 Y: -5.1 Z: 270.1
10 Collision with car 8.4 Km/h X: -1.0 Y: -0.3 Z: 0.5 X: 51.5 Y: -5.1 Z: 269.1
11 Collision with car 0.3 Km/h X: 0.4 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: 69.1 Y: -6.5 Z: 181.3
12 Collision with car 6.7 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: -0.4 X: 53.2 Y: -5.2 Z: 263.5
13 Collision with car 1.7 Km/h X: -0.0 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.6 X: 70.4 Y: -6.6 Z: 176.5
14 Collision with car 8.6 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.0 X: -272.2 Y: -1.8 Z: -319.4
15 Collision with car 2.3 Km/h X: 0.4 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: -444.1 Y: 11.7 Z: 112.9
16 Collision with car 2.8 Km/h X: -0.1 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.5 X: -442.7 Y: 11.8 Z: 118.6
17 Collision with car 6.5 Km/h X: 0.2 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: -381.6 Y: 17.6 Z: 362.2
18 Collision with car 12.2 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: -2.2 X: -307.5 Y: 14.7 Z: 480.3
19 Collision with car 2.9 Km/h X: -0.4 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: -227.3 Y: 4.3 Z: 441.1
20 Collision with car 1.4 Km/h X: -0.3 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: 63.8 Y: -5.7 Z: 222.3
21 Collision with car 4.7 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.4 X: -35.3 Y: -23.8 Z: -267.2
22 Collision with car 11.7 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: -2.2 X: -33.8 Y: -23.9 Z: -268.6
23 Collision with car 46.3 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: 1.0 Z: -2.6 X: -84.6 Y: -22.3 Z: -204.2
24 Collision with car 18.4 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.9 X: -59.6 Y: -23.9 Z: -237.5
25 Collision with car 23.4 Km/h X: 0.5 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.5 X: -59.4 Y: -23.9 Z: -237.6
26 Collision with environment 84.3 Km/h X: 0.3 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.5 X: -74.8 Y: -23.6 Z: -207.5
27 Collision with environment 96.0 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.2 X: 42.8 Y: -24.6 Z: -287.9
28 Collision with car 12.8 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: -2.2 X: 173.9 Y: -17.2 Z: -258.0
29 Collision with car 10.1 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.4 X: 173.7 Y: -17.3 Z: -258.4
30 Collision with car 4.6 Km/h X: 0.3 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: -400.2 Y: 16.7 Z: 287.3
31 Collision with car 5.0 Km/h X: 0.0 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.5 X: -400.1 Y: 16.7 Z: 288.1
32 Collision with car 16.7 Km/h X: -1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.4 X: -243.3 Y: 5.3 Z: 442.5
33 Collision with car 6.9 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: -0.4 X: -243.6 Y: 5.2 Z: 442.5
34 Collision with car 21.4 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.2 X: -163.2 Y: 1.7 Z: 458.2
35 Collision with car 33.5 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.2 X: -363.5 Y: -3.3 Z: 19.3
36 Collision with car 42.2 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.8 X: -363.0 Y: -3.4 Z: 19.0
37 Collision with environment 94.6 Km/h X: 0.5 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.4 X: -429.3 Y: 1.2 Z: -12.9
38 Collision with environment 41.4 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: 1.0 Z: -2.7 X: -427.1 Y: 1.8 Z: -4.0
39 Collision with car 2.9 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: 0.0 Z: 2.4 X: -383.9 Y: 2.1 Z: -382.1
40 Collision with car 9.1 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.2 X: -362.9 Y: 1.8 Z: -396.4
41 Collision with car 1.4 Km/h X: 0.0 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: -372.6 Y: 2.2 Z: -394.8
42 Collision with car 22.3 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.1 X: -345.6 Y: 1.6 Z: -391.7
43 Collision with car 15.9 Km/h X: 0.5 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.6 X: -345.3 Y: 1.7 Z: -391.8
44 Collision with car 8.7 Km/h X: 0.6 Y: -0.0 Z: -2.3 X: -44.3 Y: -13.4 Z: -514.4
45 Collision with car 3.7 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.0 Z: 2.4 X: -45.5 Y: -13.4 Z: -515.6
Car Env Rel
ks_interlagos ks_interlagos collisions
1st Ryan Nishioka in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:45.309, Potential: 01:45.207
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 2 01:54.382 00:29.885 00:56.759 00:27.738 0 S
2 2 01:46.575 00:22.497
00:56.317 00:27.761 0 S
3 2 01:45.309
00:22.599 00:55.376
0 S
4 1 01:53.489 00:22.545 00:58.446 00:32.498 0 S
2nd Carlos Erwig in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:44.944, Potential: 01:44.944
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 3 01:54.949 00:31.325 00:55.801 00:27.823 0 S
2 3 01:46.287 00:22.011 00:56.574 00:27.702 0 S
3 1 01:44.944
0 S
4 2 01:53.621 00:22.690 00:56.336 00:34.595 0 S
3rd Gabriel Robe in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:46.286, Potential: 01:42.760
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 7 01:56.452 00:31.676 00:57.267 00:27.509
0 S
2 5 01:46.286
00:22.249 00:56.119 00:27.918 0 S
3 4 01:46.814 00:22.768 00:56.007 00:28.039 0 S
4 3 01:50.896 00:22.053
00:35.645 0 S
4th Vinicius Camillo in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:46.254, Potential: 01:44.630
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 1 01:54.135 00:29.174 00:56.975 00:27.986 0 S
2 1 01:46.254
00:22.157 00:56.534 00:27.563
0 S
3 3 01:46.505 00:21.964
00:29.438 0 S
4 4 01:53.645 00:22.165 00:57.447 00:34.033 0 S
5th R. Piccoli in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:46.397, Potential: 01:46.010
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 4 01:55.044 00:30.651 00:56.402
00:27.991 0 S
2 4 01:46.397
00:56.763 00:27.494 0 S
3 5 01:49.272 00:23.767 00:58.037 00:27.468
0 S
4 5 01:50.038 00:22.351 00:56.664 00:31.023 0 S
6th Diego Moreira in Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:46.262, Potential: 01:46.262
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 8 01:57.243 00:31.716 00:57.550 00:27.977 0 S
2 6 01:46.262
0 S
7th Marcelo Monteiro in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:55.560, Potential: 01:55.560
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 5 01:55.560
0 S
8th Bruno Fernandes in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:56.391, Potential: 01:56.391
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 6 01:56.391
0 S
9th Diego Corseuil in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 03:20.908, Potential: 03:20.908
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 9 03:20.908
0 S

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