Interlagos - GP Endu

10 Jul 24 12:17 PDT
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# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:43.886
Tyre: S
01:47.762 24 laps / 4 cuts
2 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:44.240
Tyre: S
01:44.606 8 laps / 0 cuts
3 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:44.399
Tyre: S
01:52.468 26 laps / 6 cuts
4 Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:44.814
Tyre: S
02:08.352 11 laps / 1 cuts
5 Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports 01:46.029
Tyre: S
01:46.844 8 laps / 8 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 38.4 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.4 X: -182.1 Y: 2.7 Z: 416.9
2 Collision with environment 87.1 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.2 X: -88.7 Y: -0.4 Z: 436.9
3 Collision with environment 47.6 Km/h X: 0.3 Y: -0.0 Z: 2.5 X: -446.8 Y: 1.4 Z: -91.4
4 Collision with environment 40.4 Km/h X: 0.5 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.6 X: -322.2 Y: -5.2 Z: -222.8
5 Collision with environment 9.4 Km/h X: 0.0 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.6 X: -322.2 Y: -5.3 Z: -222.9
6 Collision with environment 32.6 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.4 X: -50.5 Y: -22.7 Z: -288.7
7 Collision with environment 41.6 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: 0.4 Z: 1.9 X: -196.5 Y: 4.1 Z: 398.1
8 Collision with environment 106.4 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.2 X: -66.0 Y: -1.1 Z: 431.2
9 Collision with car 20.1 Km/h X: -0.0 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: -369.8 Y: 17.8 Z: 387.7
10 Collision with car 7.0 Km/h X: -0.5 Y: 0.2 Z: 2.5 X: -368.9 Y: 17.8 Z: 389.5
11 Collision with environment 47.2 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: 0.4 Z: 1.9 X: -349.1 Y: 17.7 Z: 434.0
12 Collision with environment 56.2 Km/h X: 0.5 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.6 X: -365.4 Y: 18.8 Z: 462.3
13 Collision with car 10.3 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.1 Z: 2.4 X: -237.9 Y: 4.9 Z: 439.0
14 Collision with car 29.0 Km/h X: -1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.3 X: -194.4 Y: 2.5 Z: 440.1
15 Collision with car 20.7 Km/h X: -0.4 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.5 X: -193.5 Y: 2.5 Z: 439.7
16 Collision with car 3.1 Km/h X: -0.4 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: 17.7 Y: -3.0 Z: 353.8
17 Collision with car 8.0 Km/h X: 0.3 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.5 X: 18.3 Y: -3.0 Z: 351.7
18 Collision with car 5.4 Km/h X: -0.4 Y: 0.1 Z: -2.5 X: 18.3 Y: -3.0 Z: 351.7
19 Collision with car 17.0 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.0 Z: 1.1 X: -189.2 Y: -8.8 Z: -297.2
20 Collision with car 13.8 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.3 X: -342.6 Y: 17.5 Z: 459.1
21 Collision with car 2.8 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: 0.1 Z: 2.2 X: -342.4 Y: 17.8 Z: 459.4
22 Collision with car 8.6 Km/h X: -1.0 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.1 X: -276.5 Y: 9.7 Z: 460.1
23 Collision with car 0.9 Km/h X: 1.0 Y: -0.2 Z: -1.4 X: -341.1 Y: 17.4 Z: 461.5
24 Collision with environment 74.5 Km/h X: -0.1 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.6 X: 41.0 Y: -25.0 Z: -288.0
25 Collision with car 105.9 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.1 X: 19.5 Y: -24.8 Z: -290.3
26 Collision with car 90.3 Km/h X: -0.0 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.5 X: 18.9 Y: -24.8 Z: -290.4
27 Collision with environment 59.8 Km/h X: 0.5 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.5 X: -266.5 Y: 7.5 Z: 436.7
Car Env Rel
ks_interlagos ks_interlagos collisions
1st Carlos Erwig in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:43.886, Potential: 01:43.696
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:11.951 00:30.013 01:14.192 00:27.746 0 S
2 01:43.998 00:21.652
00:54.630 00:27.716 0 S
3 01:44.723 00:21.793 00:55.075 00:27.855 0 S
4 01:57.561 00:21.809 01:07.995 00:27.757 0 S
5 01:53.962 00:21.609 01:04.093 00:28.260 1 S
6 01:44.658 00:21.966 00:55.044 00:27.648 0 S
7 01:44.701 00:21.784 00:55.201 00:27.716 0 S
8 01:44.401 00:21.794 00:54.797 00:27.810 0 S
9 01:44.388 00:21.826 00:54.729 00:27.833 0 S
10 02:54.132 01:31.476 00:55.053 00:27.603 1 S
11 01:44.318 00:21.766 00:54.886 00:27.666 0 S
12 01:44.312 00:21.899 00:54.666 00:27.747 0 S
13 01:46.418
00:21.917 00:56.863 00:27.638 1 S
14 01:45.258 00:22.170 00:55.588 00:27.500
0 S
15 08:08.947 06:46.102 00:55.157 00:27.688 0 S
16 01:44.333 00:21.902 00:54.756 00:27.675 0 S
17 01:45.262 00:21.972 00:55.615 00:27.675 0 S
18 01:54.742 00:21.714 01:05.164 00:27.864 0 S
19 01:45.170 00:21.736 00:55.247 00:28.187 0 S
20 01:46.558 00:22.584 00:56.124 00:27.850 0 S
21 02:15.226 00:52.170 00:55.381 00:27.675 0 S
22 03:00.608 01:34.875 00:57.726 00:28.007 1 S
23 01:46.230 00:23.394 00:55.237 00:27.599 0 S
24 01:43.886
00:21.658 00:54.544
00:27.684 0 S
2nd Diego Corseuil in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:44.240, Potential: 01:44.083
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:12.800 00:49.037 00:55.864 00:27.899 0 S
2 01:44.888 00:21.774 00:55.300 00:27.814 0 S
3 01:44.690 00:21.836 00:55.045 00:27.809 0 S
4 01:45.050 00:21.872 00:55.297 00:27.881 0 S
5 01:44.483 00:21.810 00:54.868 00:27.805 0 S
6 01:44.240
00:21.841 00:54.702
00:27.697 0 S
7 01:44.286 00:21.724
00:54.905 00:27.657
0 S
8 05:07.736 03:44.225 00:55.603 00:27.908 0 S
3rd Gabriel Robe in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:44.399, Potential: 01:44.339
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:59.652 00:32.007 01:59.308 00:28.337 0 S
2 01:45.754 00:22.090 00:55.170 00:28.494 0 S
3 02:50.470 01:26.473 00:55.917 00:28.080 0 S
4 01:54.692 00:22.132 01:04.517 00:28.043 1 S
5 01:45.528 00:22.030 00:55.413 00:28.085 0 S
6 01:46.384
00:21.937 00:56.682 00:27.765 1 S
7 01:44.919 00:22.001 00:55.000
00:27.918 0 S
8 01:44.863 00:21.906 00:55.138 00:27.819 0 S
9 02:49.970 01:26.104 00:55.886 00:27.980 1 S
10 01:46.473 00:21.999 00:55.008 00:29.466 0 S
11 01:45.394 00:22.311 00:55.061 00:28.022 0 S
12 01:45.288 00:21.857 00:55.773 00:27.658 0 S
13 01:45.317
00:21.905 00:55.638 00:27.774 1 S
14 08:04.216 06:40.003 00:56.362 00:27.851 0 S
15 01:45.512 00:22.064 00:55.688 00:27.760 0 S
16 01:44.857 00:21.854 00:55.161 00:27.842 0 S
17 01:58.324 00:21.741
01:08.750 00:27.833 0 S
18 01:45.638
00:21.934 00:55.237 00:28.467 1 S
19 01:46.518 00:22.646 00:55.900 00:27.972 0 S
20 02:15.233 00:51.880 00:55.327 00:28.026 0 S
21 03:00.722 01:34.187 00:58.033 00:28.502 1 S
22 01:46.770 00:23.866 00:55.278 00:27.626 0 S
23 01:56.874 00:21.856 01:06.978 00:28.040 0 S
24 01:44.786 00:21.807 00:55.354 00:27.625 0 S
25 03:53.301 02:23.534 01:02.146 00:27.621 0 S
26 01:44.399
00:21.798 00:55.003 00:27.598
0 S
4th Ryan Nishioka in Mustang - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:44.814, Potential: 01:44.606
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 06:14.190 04:50.251 00:56.102 00:27.837 0 S
2 01:45.975 00:22.752 00:55.448 00:27.775 0 S
3 01:44.814
00:27.842 0 S
4 11:30.561 10:06.194 00:56.718 00:27.649 0 S
5 03:12.420 01:48.468 00:55.948 00:28.004 0 S
6 01:45.164 00:21.878 00:55.449 00:27.837 0 S
7 01:44.826
00:21.985 00:55.021 00:27.820 1 S
8 01:53.035 00:22.112 01:02.929 00:27.994 0 S
9 02:59.528 01:33.462 00:57.982 00:28.084 0 S
10 01:47.539 00:24.563 00:55.342 00:27.634
0 S
11 01:58.342 00:21.785 01:08.383 00:28.174 0 S
5th Gustavo Silva in Camaro - Nascar Cup by Racing e-Sports
Best: 01:46.029, Potential: 01:45.700
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:18.535 00:29.756 01:13.998 00:34.781 1 S
2 04:29.731 03:04.483 00:55.386 00:29.862 3 S
3 01:46.035 00:22.258 00:55.723
00:28.054 0 S
4 01:47.685 00:22.135
00:57.672 00:27.878 0 S
5 01:46.029
00:22.302 00:55.885 00:27.842
0 S
6 13:05.699 11:32.334 01:05.340 00:28.025 2 S
7 14:54.854 13:29.462 00:57.263 00:28.129 2 S
8 01:47.629 00:23.596 00:55.845 00:28.188 0 S

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