Vhe Velopark - Full

24 Mar 24 18:37 PDT
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# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 Copasul Turismo1400 Volkswagen GOL 01:08.203
Tyre: XBRI
01:12.759 22 laps / 2 cuts
2 AAV Onix 2023 PRO 01:08.255
Tyre: XBRI
01:08.730 22 laps / 1 cuts
3 Copasul Turismo1400 Chevrolet Celta 01:08.513
Tyre: XBRI
01:09.020 25 laps / 5 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 54.7 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.6 X: 184.7 Y: 4.7 Z: -336.7
2 Collision with environment 11.8 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.5 X: 44.1 Y: 0.1 Z: 430.8
3 Collision with car 12.0 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.7 X: -61.5 Y: 0.2 Z: 487.9
4 Collision with car 19.9 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.5 X: -61.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 488.0
5 Collision with environment 10.0 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: 0.0 Z: 1.5 X: 184.7 Y: 4.6 Z: -336.7
6 Collision with environment 27.4 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.5 X: -110.1 Y: -0.2 Z: 525.7
7 Collision with environment 70.7 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 1.6 X: 184.9 Y: 4.4 Z: -336.7
8 Collision with car 5.9 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: -0.2 X: 23.1 Y: 1.4 Z: -384.3
9 Collision with car 12.0 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.7 X: 23.5 Y: 1.5 Z: -384.4
10 Collision with car 28.6 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.8 X: 57.3 Y: 0.1 Z: 402.0
11 Collision with environment 37.8 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.7 X: 68.1 Y: 0.1 Z: 371.8
12 Collision with car 21.2 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 0.7 X: 57.3 Y: 0.1 Z: 401.9
13 Collision with environment 3.1 Km/h X: 0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: -2.4 X: 67.8 Y: 0.5 Z: 358.5
14 Collision with environment 62.9 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.6 X: 44.2 Y: 0.1 Z: 430.7
15 Collision with car 10.6 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: 0.0 Z: -2.4 X: 86.2 Y: 1.4 Z: 293.1
16 Collision with car 3.8 Km/h X: 0.4 Y: -0.0 Z: -2.2 X: 214.7 Y: 4.5 Z: 149.7
17 Collision with car 5.0 Km/h X: 0.1 Y: -0.0 Z: 2.2 X: 214.7 Y: 4.5 Z: 148.9
18 Collision with car 4.8 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.5 X: -81.7 Y: 0.4 Z: 481.1
19 Collision with car 8.9 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.4 X: -82.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 480.9
20 Collision with environment 7.2 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.7 X: 44.9 Y: -0.4 Z: 429.6
21 Collision with car 5.0 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.1 X: 0.6 Y: 0.9 Z: -358.9
22 Collision with car 10.1 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.7 X: 0.6 Y: 0.9 Z: -359.0
23 Collision with environment 38.5 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.5 X: -130.7 Y: 0.0 Z: 516.2
Car Env Rel
vhe_velopark vhe_velopark collisions
1st Semaforo in Copasul Turismo1400 Volkswagen GOL
Best: 01:08.203, Potential: 01:08.090
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 04:06.291 03:29.993 00:19.071 00:17.227 0 XBRI
2 01:08.985 00:33.074 00:18.910 00:17.001 0 XBRI
3 01:08.989
00:32.971 00:18.841 00:17.177 1 XBRI
4 01:09.710 00:33.846 00:18.652 00:17.212 0 XBRI
5 01:16.142 00:32.794 00:20.048 00:23.300 1 XBRI
6 01:37.099 01:01.270 00:18.680 00:17.149 0 XBRI
7 01:08.509 00:32.779 00:18.716 00:17.014 0 XBRI
8 01:08.563 00:32.770 00:18.761 00:17.032 0 XBRI
9 01:08.423 00:32.829 00:18.544
00:17.050 0 XBRI
10 01:08.465 00:32.753 00:18.676 00:17.036 0 XBRI
11 01:08.448 00:32.673 00:18.674 00:17.101 0 XBRI
12 01:56.428 01:20.640 00:18.738 00:17.050 0 XBRI
13 01:08.694 00:32.910 00:18.760 00:17.024 0 XBRI
14 01:08.544 00:32.886 00:18.638 00:17.020 0 XBRI
15 01:08.548 00:32.814 00:18.652 00:17.082 0 XBRI
16 01:08.451 00:32.594
00:18.662 00:17.195 0 XBRI
17 01:08.584 00:32.607 00:18.846 00:17.131 0 XBRI
18 01:10.723 00:33.112 00:20.578 00:17.033 0 XBRI
19 01:08.203
00:32.653 00:18.598 00:16.952
20 01:08.289 00:32.644 00:18.657 00:16.988 0 XBRI
21 01:09.165 00:33.354 00:18.639 00:17.172 0 XBRI
22 01:08.607 00:32.714 00:18.882 00:17.011 0 XBRI
2nd Mello in AAV Onix 2023 PRO
Best: 01:08.255, Potential: 01:08.197
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 03:27.924 02:51.343 00:19.157 00:17.424 0 XBRI
2 01:09.174 00:33.273 00:18.873 00:17.028 0 XBRI
3 01:08.760 00:32.791 00:18.814 00:17.155 0 XBRI
4 01:08.746 00:32.800 00:18.828 00:17.118 0 XBRI
5 01:09.418 00:33.071 00:18.774 00:17.573 0 XBRI
6 01:08.306 00:32.595 00:18.693 00:17.018 0 XBRI
7 01:08.807 00:32.573 00:19.130 00:17.104 0 XBRI
8 01:08.384 00:32.605 00:18.769 00:17.010 0 XBRI
9 01:08.470 00:32.754 00:18.720 00:16.996 0 XBRI
10 01:08.608 00:32.891 00:18.671 00:17.046 0 XBRI
11 01:08.329 00:32.657 00:18.639
00:17.033 0 XBRI
12 02:31.205 01:54.994 00:19.107 00:17.104 0 XBRI
13 01:09.059 00:32.970 00:18.926 00:17.163 0 XBRI
14 01:08.763 00:32.951 00:18.748 00:17.064 0 XBRI
15 01:08.530 00:32.732 00:18.684 00:17.114 0 XBRI
16 01:08.442 00:32.734 00:18.716 00:16.992
17 01:08.255
00:18.653 00:17.036 0 XBRI
18 01:08.731 00:32.825 00:18.824 00:17.082 0 XBRI
19 01:08.626 00:32.824 00:18.743 00:17.059 0 XBRI
20 01:08.847 00:32.905 00:18.837 00:17.105 0 XBRI
21 01:09.615 00:33.124 00:18.850 00:17.641 0 XBRI
22 01:08.809 00:32.876 00:18.734 00:17.199 1 XBRI
3rd Carlos Erwig in Copasul Turismo1400 Chevrolet Celta
Best: 01:08.513, Potential: 01:08.355
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 01:49.135 01:12.667 00:18.972 00:17.496 0 XBRI
2 01:09.490 00:33.216 00:19.048 00:17.226 0 XBRI
3 01:09.224 00:33.062 00:18.891 00:17.271 0 XBRI
4 02:36.207 02:00.252 00:18.859 00:17.096 0 XBRI
5 01:08.985 00:32.787 00:18.895 00:17.303 0 XBRI
6 01:09.241 00:32.791 00:19.247 00:17.203 1 XBRI
7 01:12.631 00:36.492 00:18.737 00:17.402 1 XBRI
8 01:15.246 00:39.061 00:18.878 00:17.307 1 XBRI
9 01:09.057 00:32.768 00:18.793 00:17.496 0 XBRI
10 01:09.727 00:33.345 00:19.107 00:17.275 0 XBRI
11 01:08.788 00:32.829 00:18.872 00:17.087
12 01:08.869 00:32.923 00:18.824 00:17.122 0 XBRI
13 01:08.869 00:32.955 00:18.715 00:17.199 0 XBRI
14 01:09.342 00:32.991 00:18.810 00:17.541 0 XBRI
15 02:21.507 01:45.160 00:18.995 00:17.352 0 XBRI
16 01:09.201 00:33.187 00:18.788 00:17.226 0 XBRI
17 01:09.336 00:33.106 00:18.706 00:17.524 0 XBRI
18 01:08.579 00:32.597
00:18.801 00:17.181 0 XBRI
19 01:09.662 00:33.491 00:18.928 00:17.243 0 XBRI
20 01:08.528 00:32.735 00:18.671
00:17.122 0 XBRI
21 01:08.826 00:32.727 00:18.765 00:17.334 0 XBRI
22 01:08.728 00:32.652 00:18.800 00:17.276 0 XBRI
23 01:17.793 00:41.590 00:18.932 00:17.271 2 XBRI
24 01:08.647 00:32.764 00:18.724 00:17.159 0 XBRI
25 01:08.513
00:32.666 00:18.689 00:17.158 0 XBRI

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