
30 Oct 24 17:08 PDT
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# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 Gol G8 - Turismo Cup by Racing e-Sports - 2ª Temporada 01:25.376
Tyre: Joao Lara Pneus
01:31.459 32 laps / 0 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 58.7 Km/h X: -0.1 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.6 X: 337.3 Y: 0.8 Z: 46.7
2 Collision with environment 18.0 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.9 X: 272.5 Y: 0.3 Z: 12.1
3 Collision with environment 65.4 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.5 Z: 1.6 X: -293.4 Y: 0.2 Z: 323.4
4 Collision with environment 3.1 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.6 X: -204.1 Y: -0.4 Z: 106.6
Car Env Rel
ks_guapore ks_guapore collisions
1st Player in Gol G8 - Turismo Cup by Racing e-Sports - 2ª Temporada
Best: 01:25.376, Potential: 01:25.323
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:32.835 01:36.962 00:30.673 00:25.200 0 Joao Lara Pneus
2 01:26.606 00:31.149 00:30.433 00:25.024 0 Joao Lara Pneus
3 01:25.755 00:30.936 00:29.888 00:24.931 0 Joao Lara Pneus
4 01:25.702 00:30.924 00:29.906 00:24.872 0 Joao Lara Pneus
5 04:35.288 03:25.818 00:30.820 00:38.650 0 Joao Lara Pneus
6 01:29.427 00:32.114 00:31.636 00:25.677 0 Joao Lara Pneus
7 01:28.604 00:32.215 00:30.569 00:25.820 0 Joao Lara Pneus
8 02:29.997 01:34.962 00:29.889 00:25.146 0 Joao Lara Pneus
9 01:25.963 00:31.112 00:29.921 00:24.930 0 Joao Lara Pneus
10 01:26.176 00:30.925 00:29.808 00:25.443 0 Joao Lara Pneus
11 01:25.447 00:30.912 00:29.718 00:24.817 0 Joao Lara Pneus
12 02:47.477 01:49.063 00:30.920 00:27.494 0 Joao Lara Pneus
13 01:28.626 00:31.728 00:30.856 00:26.042 0 Joao Lara Pneus
14 01:28.533 00:32.184 00:30.536 00:25.813 0 Joao Lara Pneus
15 03:17.612 02:20.656 00:30.996 00:25.960 0 Joao Lara Pneus
16 01:29.373 00:32.479 00:30.654 00:26.240 0 Joao Lara Pneus
17 01:29.999 00:32.903 00:31.001 00:26.095 0 Joao Lara Pneus
18 01:29.170 00:32.083 00:30.964 00:26.123 0 Joao Lara Pneus
19 01:28.277 00:31.825 00:30.703 00:25.749 0 Joao Lara Pneus
20 01:28.720 00:31.678 00:31.545 00:25.497 0 Joao Lara Pneus
21 01:29.673 00:32.100 00:31.153 00:26.420 0 Joao Lara Pneus
22 01:28.969 00:31.742 00:30.677 00:26.550 0 Joao Lara Pneus
23 01:27.576 00:31.465 00:30.411 00:25.700 0 Joao Lara Pneus
24 02:14.788 01:19.735 00:30.087 00:24.966 0 Joao Lara Pneus
25 01:25.757 00:31.065 00:29.848 00:24.844 0 Joao Lara Pneus
26 01:26.007 00:31.043 00:30.128 00:24.836 0 Joao Lara Pneus
27 01:25.522 00:30.905 00:29.777 00:24.840 0 Joao Lara Pneus
28 01:25.393 00:30.812 00:29.709
00:24.872 0 Joao Lara Pneus
29 01:25.532 00:30.849 00:29.799 00:24.884 0 Joao Lara Pneus
30 01:25.376
00:29.762 00:24.813
0 Joao Lara Pneus
31 04:57.254 04:00.923 00:30.682 00:25.649 0 Joao Lara Pneus
32 01:28.445 00:31.777 00:30.402 00:26.266 0 Joao Lara Pneus

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